Friday, June 29, 2012

Daniel: The Beagle who Survived the Gas Chamber

Written by Grace Brosofsky

Gas chambers are often associated with the terrors of war, but few realize that they are also used in shelters across America to kill animals who simply have no home. Daniel, a beagle in an Alabama shelter, would have been one of the millions to die by gassing, but unlike the other eighteen dogs in his gas chamber, he somehow came out alive. Unable to make the beagle undergo gassing again after his miraculous survival, the animal control officer in charge gave Daniel a chance at adoption, and the survivor found a loving home in New Jersey. Daniel's survival not only offered him a new beginning but also sparked change, raising awareness of the fate his companions suffered. Although some state laws have been passed against gassing such as "Daniel's Law" in Pennsylvania, gas chambers continue to be used in many other states despite being condemned by the American Humane Association for causing animals to suffer a long, stressful death. Help further "The Miracle Beagle"'s legacy and spread his story of hope by casting a vote for him for the Hero Dog Awards at, and, please, if you or someone you know is considering buying a new pet, help give a dog or cat at a local shelter a happy ending like Daniel's. You can make a difference.

For more information on gassing in animal shelters:

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